Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Spanking Away the Guilt

I believe very strongly in the therapuetic benefit of spanking. I thought I better start this blog with that statement so everyone understands where I am coming from.

Getting spanked for something you have done wrong and never forgiven yourself for can be so incredibly effective. Please understand I am only talking about myself and the few spanko friends I have discussed this with. I have done no research but if the federal government would give me the money I bet I could design a great study!

I am not necessarily talking about a punishment spanking for something you just did. For example, on Friday I am going to be spanked, I mean seriously spanked for something I did ten years ago and have never forgiven myself for. Yes, I have been to therapy and, yes all my therapists told me to forgive myself and let go of the guilt. Yes, I have apologized to the people involved and asked for and received their forgiveness. But it still eats away at me. I truly feel I deserve to be punished for this. Honestly, I don't feel I will ever let go of it if I don't get the spanking I need and deserve. This was a very serious situation, no small matter I assure you. I will also be honest and say I am both dreading and looking forward to it.

I am dreading it because it is going to be a very real and serious spanking. I know it will hurt and I know I won't allow myself to get out of the mindset usually reserved for punishment. However, the person administering this is a totally trusted "older brother". I know he will watch out for my welfare.

So why would I be looking forward to it? I know afterwards he is going to talk to me about letting go and forgiving myself. I believe this may give me the permission I need.

In short I don't think there is a statute of limitations on the things we have done wrong in our lives. And as far as I am concerned if spanking helps wipe the slate clean I am all for it.

We'll see how I feel on Saturday when sitting will be a true challenge.


Greenwoman said...

I recently have reason to believe that your theory is right and I'm looking forward to the possibility of post spanking review in a post to see how it turns out.

Anonymous said...

What incredible timing. I have been tormented for decades over something I did as a little kid and just this morning I sank back into the abyss of self-loathing where this memory resides. I also know the value of therapeutic spanking but do not have an "older sibling" to assist me.

I am genuinely optimistic that you will find the peace you seek.

Caryagal said...

I think you're right! I think a spanking will allow you to forgive yourself. I need a big brother to give me one of those at times. My husband and I are working our way up to those. it is just a foreign concept to him. But at least he doesn't think I'm crazy!


Anonymous said...

I dare say, you've got me on the edge of mt seat!

~~I'm a new reader, but you can be sure I'll be back to read about the follow-up to Friday Night~~

Take care, and
hope you get through the spanking
feeling better.


Purple Angel said...

Thanks for all your comments and I promise to post a follow up to how it all worked out. Since he will be here Friday and Saturday I can't promise which day it will be.
Hugs and wish me luck,
Purple Angel

abby williams said...

Good luck, Purple! I am excited for you, in the sense of the possibility of finally being able to let something go that has haunted you. I have a few of those ghosts myself, and I am looking forward to the day that I am ready to ask for more severe punishments for them. I have already experienced therapeutic punishment spankings for smaller transgressions and have been amazed at the transformation in my mind.

Be brave, be strong, and most importantly, when you hit that point in the punishment, be sure you let yourself let all of it go.

Warm hugs,

Anonymous said...

Certainly many spankos would agree with you. Todd spanked a woman once over something she'd stolen from a store as a 12 year old. She was never caught, and threw away her ill gotten gains (clothes).

What she did always bothered her though. It caused her guilt when she lectured her children about how wrong stealing was... when she talked to her students in class about doing the right thing. It played on her mind. Nothing major, mind you... but it was something she thought about.

A very hard punishment spanking, with a stern lecture, corner time... and being made to apologize... did wonders though. She says she never feels guilty about it anymore, and doesn't really think much about the incident (though she does think about the spanking).

Not every spanko is wired that way, but there is the possibility of a large benefit for those that are.

Very nice post,
~Todd & Suzy

Eclectic said...

My wife and I engage in sensuous spanking, which is VERY exciting. However, I carry guilt, sometimes have a quick temper and tend to get stressed and irritable which, of course, hurts her feelings.

I once asked her to spank me as she felt I deserved. The resulting peace of mind was pretty much indescribable. I feel the need for another theraputic spanking, but am afraid it might alter our relationship. I am not submissive and she isn't domineering, and I'm concerned she may lose respect for me.

Could I get some comments from some of you ladies out there?

Purple Angel said...

Hi Eclectic,
Thanks for coming by my blog.
Since I am a bottom switch or a submissive switch whichever you call it I have not only spanked submissive males but dominant males who had never been spanked before.
To be honest I didn't lose respect for them, I gained it. A therapuetic spanking is extremely beneficial, I believe, regardless of which side of the lap you prefer. Asking for what you need does not diminsh you at all.
Ask your wife how she would feel about this and explain your need to her. Actually giving someone the spanking they need is a loving gift in my opinion.
Purple Angel