As I posted I am having company for the next couple of days. I probably won't have a chance to post but I do promise to let you all know how the birthday spanking and the therapuetic spanking worked out. I will also let you know if I am sitting while posting or in a standing position. My best guess is a little of both.
I will also tell you that I am looking forward to this. I am sure many of you understand why. Spanking is a huge turn on even when it is not meant in an erotic context. My "older brother" and I do not have a sexual relationship and will not have one. That is reserved for the love in my life. But I did long for an older brother all my life and I am so grateful to have one that cares so much for his little sister and not only provides affection and advice but spankings as needed and wanted. He refuses to watch me make choices that are dangerous or unhealthy. I am totally accountable and, yes this is true, I love the feeling. Two men in this world care enough about me to love me enough to spank me when I do wrong and, even better, spank me when I am very, very good!!
Saturday Spankings -
4 days ago
Hi Purple
Both of these men sound very special and it is wonderful you have them. Have a lovely weekend and all the best for the spankings, I hope you get to where you need to be.
Warm regards
Enjoy your company and hurry back. It sounds like you are very lucky to have found these two men in your life. When you get the chance would you email me
I also love the caring yet delightfully old-fashioned brother/sister spanking fantasy (heck, maybe 'cuz I grew up with just 2 older brothers) it intrigues me that you are able to live out this fantasy.
Bravo to you!
Now I just need to find myself a sassy sister... ;)
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