Monday, December 22, 2008
How Lonliness Looks

Saturday, December 20, 2008
Bitter and Cold-Pt 2 Spanking Fiction M/f

She brushed her chocolate brown hair out of her face and buried her face further into the pillow. When Paul had invited her to move in with him she had never looked ahead to what would happen if she had to move out. Of course, it had never occured to her that Paul would simply pick up and leave her in his apartment. She sat up in bed. Of course, it was so simple, he was coming back. He had to come back. This was just to scare her into being good.
In some ways it matched the first spanking he had given her after she moved in. Up to that point spankings were serious or fun depending on the circumstances, but it was never more than she could take. She might end up crying but there was always Paul's comforting embrace to look forward to along with incredible lovemaking.
But the day she moved in, she remembered being giddy and excited. She had carried all her boxes up in the elevator and piled them in the room Paul had indicated. He seemed very amused by her attitude until she brushed by one of the tabletops on her way out the door and knocked over a candlestick. Janine scrambled to catch it but it hit the floor before she could reach it.
Looking up at Paul with wide blue eyes, she fumbled over an apology, "Oh honey I am so sorry, I will pay for it, I promise."
Paul's face went cold as he promised, "You certainly will pay for it love, in more ways than you know." With those words he pulled her towards a hard chair to the side of the couch. "Take off those pants and your shirt, now Janine."
She had never seen his face quite this way, a small dart of panic coursed through her. "Now wait Paul, it was an accident, you know that. It wasn't on purpose."
Paul lost no time, his dark eyes became angry and he grabbed Janine's arm as he pulled off her blouse and yanked off her jeans. As panic set in Janine began to struggle to get away. Paul pulled her close to him by one arm, "Stop that immediately, you will obey everything you are asked to do and obey it immediately." He obviously did not feel Janine had the proper submissive expression or attitude since he sat down on the chair and pulled her over his knee roughly. As her arm automatically went back to protect herself he pulled it out of the way unmoved when she screamed from the pain of it being bent so far out of position.
But she was in no way ready for the spanking he was prepared to give over the broken glass and poor submissive attitude. His hard hand began slapping on her upper thighs back and forth. She had no idea a hand could cause so much pain, but then he had never spanked that area before. "Paul stop please, this is too much." Janine screamed and struggled to no avail. He held her tightly in place as he reached into the table drawer next to the chair. All Janine heard was the scrape of wood and began to struggle anew. It did her no good.
Paul's voice was smooth and cold, "Janine you are here at my invitation. You are my submissive. This spanking will teach you what I expect you to take without any arguement or struggle. If you can't do that, then get out....is....that...clear?" Each word was punctuated with a very dramatic smack of a wooden paddle.
Janine could hardly breathe, it hurt so much, "Yes", she gasped, "I understand, I'll behave, really I will. Oh God, don't throw me out."
That spanking would never be forgotten since it left bruises and blisters on her butt. She couldn't sit for several days nor could she wear panties since there were severe bruises in the creases and down her thighs. Paul pointed out to her several times that this would happen whenever she disobeyed.
Considering the condition of her body she did not point out to him that it was an accident. From that point on, Janine's life was under Paul's direction at all times. And no matter what she tried to do it was never enough or what he wanted.
Could she be right though, was this possibly a scheme of Paul's to improve her behavior? She swung her legs over her bedside energized by the thought that Paul might be back that very day. She showered very quickly and got dressed snapping her collar in place.
As she straightened out the kitchen there was a knock on the door. Janine opened the door and there was an electrical company worker there. He looked up at her, "Mr. Paul Grant?"
"No he's not at home, can I help you?" Janine looked at him quizzically.
"Well ma'am, I have to turn off your power, the bill is overdue by two months. Unless you can pay in cash right now, I have to disconnect the power. Now the man had been perfectly nice and polite, he always tried to break the news as gently as he could, so he was not at all prepared for the next event.
Janine looked at the man with total disbelief, her face turned a horrible shade of gray and she sank, like a sack of flour, straight to the floor.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Sunday, December 14, 2008
Bitter and Cold-pt 1 spanking fiction M/f

Saturday, December 13, 2008
Let It Snow!

Saturday, November 29, 2008
Prior question of the week-Positioning

Positions I like:-1/ Bent over free standing with hands on knees, while the lady concerned has her non spanking hand holding the back of my neck and hand spanks with the other hand. This sort of has a caring control element to it.2/ Bent over a solid table or work surface with my torso fully supported, this allows one to forget about holding a position and concentrate on the spanking, it also restricts breathing a little and intensifies the experience.3/ Lying flat on a bed, it's just comfortable and nice.Positions I hate:- Touching toes or any other free standing position that puts strain on the knees.A position I want to try:- I think it is called stupidado, hands tied behind the back and suspended from above forcing the spankee into a bending position. It would be nice to hear from anyone who has experienced this.Prefectdt
The bondage position you are referring to is called, 'strappado,' and there is information on it you might find interesting on Wikipedia.org, complete with a hot picture! No, I haven't tried it, but I would like to!I would like to try bent over free standing with the spanker holding me by my hair with the non spanking hand, or holding me around my waist. Definitely bent over, no matter what, and with some type of support. I don't like laying flat on a bed; the embarrassment of being made to bend over adds to the experience for me.
We both prefer the same position... spanker sitting on a bed or couch with spankee laid over the lap. That way head and feet are flat and supported. No strain on the knees/hips/etc and no blood rushing to the head. It's perfect for long spankings and it allows the focus to be where it needs to be. Also a comfortable position for the spanker.For shorter spanking, lots of other positions work... and we like many of those. And for an erotic spanking, the diaper position works quite nicely. But as a general rule, we put overall comfort when it comes to position.:)Todd and Suzy
Maryann Sloan said...
Purple,Don't know how I missed this, sorry I'm so late.I love OTK with the hand. No doubt about it, my favorite.But... I also like positions that work well for a good paddling from a wooden paddle: over the end of the bed or couch, on hands and knees on bed (not good for a long spanking), lying face down on bed either elevated by pillows under the tush or not, and standing, bent over holding the seat of a chair. I don't much like anything too weird or convuluted, like over the end of the bed with head/hands on floor, or complicated like folded into a rocker/recliner in some upside down and backward way. I also do NOT like anything freestanding, like bend over, grab your ankles, hold still. Yeah, right! You try it, buddy!I like to be held firmly in place, but not trapped, if that makes sense. Don't actually tie me down or sit on me. I need the illusion that I could get away and it is only his strong hands keeping me in place. Nice.Fun topic, thanks.Maryann
Tigger4MC said...
Strappado is meant to dislocate the shoulders - and would be extremely painful - WAY too painful for me!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Question of the Week-Getting What You Need

Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Rantful Delight

Sunday, November 23, 2008
Spanksgiving and Getting

Saturday, November 22, 2008
I Admit its all True

Friday, November 7, 2008
Yes I Have Been Ignoring my Job

I must apologize to all the readers of my blog. The reports of my demise are just not true.
My Yahoo group is having a party next weekend, I spent seven glorious days with the love of my life, my fibromyalgia decided it was time to pay a ghastly visit, and good grief before I knew it I hadn't written a blog in forever. To say nothing of the fact that I have not been visiting the other blogs I enjoy so much. So if anyone needs a spanking it is me. I am reasonably sure that can be taken care of next weekend!
Once again I will be going to a spanking party that I am in charge of organizing. It is a great pleasure, after Iall I am a teacher and throwing parties is something we can do as well as teaching reading. Many new members will be coming to the party and of course some of the members that have been in the group a long time and came to the May party.
So I will catch you up as the week goes on. My wonderful week with GC, which went by so fast I couldn't believe it. I will also fill you in on before and after details of the party. And for those of you that responded to the post on positioning I will complete that and try to be a very good blogger and keep up.
Take care and hope all had a happy chocolate filled Halloween!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
An Elegant Spanko
Your result for The elegant spankability Test...
The Winner!
You scored 91 elegance and 87 spankability!
You have won! Congratulations! You're cooler than the lovechild of, let's see, Bjork and Lord Byron, and more spankable than two dolphins leaning over a gate!
Er, that last simile may need some explanation. You see, cetologists have established that a dolphin is essentially a buttock with a tail at one end and a beak at the other. That's why they so often travel in pairs. Scientific fact.
But I should also clarify that the author of this test harbours no improper thoughts or desires concerning our ocean-going mammal friends. that would be lower than Gottlob Frick's voice, Aaron Spelling's brow and a televangelist's belly. I'm hot for similes, not cetacea. Just sayin'.
So contact me if you like, you winner you, and I'll send you your prize: I believe it's a picture of a fluffy bunny.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Question of the Week-positioning

Friday, October 10, 2008
Spanking Furniture

For my own response, I have never been spanked over anything but a lap, pillow and table. So I don't know how I would respond to spanking furniture. I think it would be fun to try at least once and I have had friends that responded very positively to the experience. Might be a way to really let go and give yourself to it when you know you are securely restrained. But I know I would never prefer it to being over GC's lap, warm and secure, feeling his hand on my backside. Nothing will ever compare to that. So here are the responses I received.
Johninill said...
I've always wanted to try my hand at making something like this. Haven't done it since there's a scarcity (to say the least) of those who would come to my house to use it. With some implements you really need some kind of device for the spankee. You may/may not use the restraints depending on whether you want to throw in a little bondage.
I have on several occasions used other peoples spanking furniture but unfortunately do not own any. the formality of being positioned and/or tied over a piece of furniture that has no other purpose than to be used for punishment, has a formality to it that has a ceremonial quality, this really flips some switches in my mental head space. Due to several reasons, I cannot play in my own home but one of my lottery winning fantasies is having a play room with dozens of specialist pieces of spanking furniture.
I've always wanted a special "spanking room" that would be decorated in a Victorian theme. In my imaginary spanking room there would be a spanking bench like the one shown in the picture. Although I'd like something more stylish and less dungeon looking.To me the attraction of the spanking bench is that its great for caning and whipping. The naughty girl is entirely exposed for both punishment and penetration (in what ever way her top might desire).But so far the spanking bench is only a fantasy. In general I prefer voluntary submission, not bondage. But I'd make an exception for a spanking bench
Cheryl said...
I have never been interested in spanking furniture. To me, a spanking bench lacks the human element that I enjoy when being spanked--namely, the feel of my spanker's free hand around my waiste. When I'm being spanked, I'm right where I want to be at that particular time so there's no need for any restraints. Believe me, no one is going to tie me down against my will. I really don't have any use for spanking furniture, but will admit to a slight amount of curiosity.Smiles,Cheryl
Our Bottoms Burn said...
We have two spanking benches, both home made. One is a kneeling bench, the other you bend over it. They do not get a lot of use, but they are there for variety. When restrained, your mind does a few flips, because you know you are not going anywhere until released.
Ted said...
Would someone please make an inflatable model for apartment dwellers?
jody said...
When I'm submissive, I prefer to be in bondage for a punishment type of spanking, or whipping, preferably with a switch, or belt. When the pain nears, or goes over my tolerance level I tend to try to turn over, or cover my butt with my hands, and bondage prevents that, so the punishment is thorough! Nothing works better to put me in an obedient, submissive state of mind....Janelle
Maryann Sloan said...
Visually it looks awful to me. It reminds me more of torture than fun. I like fun, happy spankings. I enjoy and benefit from more intense spankings, too, but the presence of something like that in the room would be a huge turn off to me.Maryann
A.S.S. said...
We've used a spanking bench before... and they are fun. But for us, they are just for play. Wouldn't do a DD spanking with one. Just don't offer that personal touch that OTK does.:)Todd and Suzy
CurtisG said...
I'm a switch who's into spanking for fun, play, sensuality and erotic stimulation (not necessarily all together). The idea of spanking furniture does nothing for me. I want physical contact with the woman I'm spanking or who's spanking me. That is not necessarily limited to (but is preferred) to OTK. There are things like sitting on the spankee's back or perhaps (I've never tried it) riding a spankee like a horse. But physical contact for intimacy and reactions are necessary for my enjoyment.
Thanks to all that posted, it was enlightening! I will put the next question in a new post.
Hugs to all,
Purple Angel
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Last Call for a Terrific Party

Our Need and Desire
Invites you to a weekend of thanks for the spanks!
November Spanksgiving and Getting
November 14-16 2008
Arlington Heights, Illinois
Party fee-$50.00 per person
Hotel rooms-$89.00 a night, sleeps 3-4
Includes hot breakfast each morning
Party fee includes Friday and Saturday night dinner plus snacks and soft drinks all weekend.
Hotel Registrations taken until OCTOBER 24th!!
From that point on you are not guaranteed to be in our block of rooms.
Please send your fee to
Our Need and Desire
1604 Coronado Drive
Suite 12
Champaign, Illinois 61820
Include the following information:
Badge Name____________________________________
Real Name_________________________________________
Circle one: top bottom switch not playing
If you need financial help please explain in this space___________
Please let me know if you have any food allergies or if you are a vegetarian___________________________________________
An email address where I may contact you ___________________
Please be sure to bring the receipt you will receive after I get your registration with you, as well as picture ID. We hope you can join us for a great weekend with loads of fun, food, prizes, and oh yes, SPANKING!
Our hotel features the following:
Ø 7 miles from O’Hare International Airport.
Ø provides complimentary parking for all guests.
Ø provides complimentary shuttle service from 7:00 am through 11:00 pm. Service includes, O’Hare International Airport, nearby restaurants and attractions within a 5 mile radius, the Wood Field Mall and much more.
Ø provides Complimentary Deluxe Continental Breakfast with Hot Items every morning including Japanese selections.
Ø Complimentary Hi-Speed Wireless Internet is provided for all guests in both the guestrooms and the public areas.
Ø Hotel has 2 meeting rooms; the Elm Room is 375 sq/ft and can accommodate 20 people in a classroom set-up, 20 conference, 20 U-shape and 35 theatre. The Grove Room is 950 sq/ft and can accommodate 60 people in a classroom set-up, 40 conference, 40 U-shape and 75 theatre style.
Additional Hotel Features:
Ø Oversized rooms renovated in June 2007.
Ø Non-Smoking and Accessible Rooms Available
Ø Ergonomic Workstations with 2 –line phone
Ø Fitness center on the first floor
Ø Upgraded bathroom amenities – Smart Bath
Ø 24-Hour Lobby Coffee and Tea Service
Ø Rooms with Coffee Maker, Coffee, Iron, Ironing Board, Hair Dryer, Clock Radio
Ø Complimentary Weekday Newspaper
Ø Complimentary TV Japan in the guest rooms
Ø Complimentary Local and Toll Free Telephone Calls
Ø Complimentary Business Center
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Question of the Week-Spanking Furniture

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
A Spanker's Responsibility

Hi. I am new to your blog and I like what I have seen.I am a spankee and my needs are simple:1. spank meIt is amazing how difficult it is sometimes to get turned over his knee! Just do it already.2. Talk to meTell me I'm beautiful. Tell me I'm a brat. Tell me you are angry with me or I disappointed you. Tell me something!3. Hold me afterwards. No matter how fun or playful a spanking is, I still want/need to be held.That't it. But of the three, I'd say number one is number one! Just do it!Maryann
I find as a spankee that too many spankers want to try to spank me for some reason; to make me feel like I am being punished. I don't need that and, in fact, it often will ruin a scene for me. What I think is a spanker's first responsibility is listening. Listen to us when we tell you what we like...listen when we tell you what we don't like. Don't take our smiles and laughter as a challenge..we aren't laughing at your spanking, we are laughing and smiling because we are enjoying it immensely.When you hear a safeword, stop IMMEDIATELY! Don't say "Are you gonna wimp out on me?" or "You can take one more". We educated people about the sanctity of the safeword, both tops and bottoms. When someone uses their safeword it means "Stop this right now!" It should be heeded.I don't really believe aftercare is a spanker's responsibility but it sure goes a long way towards endearing the spanker to me. I don't mind a hug and a pat on the fanny when we're done but if you broke skin or caused abraded skin, it's a responsible top who tries to help take care of the problem.I believe a spanker's responsibility is also to learn the safe way to spank, the safe places and the safe methods. This is just my opinion and I could write a whole blog myself on the subjct. Thanks for the thought provoking blog, Val.Love ya!Cigi
Hey, Purple, great question and not something I've thought about since I was a relative newbie.I have definite feelings regarding what I believe a top is responsible for. First and foremost, any top who spanks others is responsible for providing a safe and reassuring environment for whoever he/she is spanking. It's pretty hard to enjoy a spanking when you can't relax.Secondly, a top is responsible for giving the bottom the kind of spanking she/he asks for. If a bottom asks you for something you either can't or won't give, then have the guts to say so. This should be discussed before the first spank falls.Third, a top is responsible for the physical and emotional well-being of the one he/she is spanking. That means know how to safely use the toys you own. Emotionally, don't purposely take a bottom anywhere she/he doesn't want to go. We all know that things sometimes happen that we didn't plan for. But never, under any circumstances, do these things with intent. These are the things I believe are the most important. There are lots of others, but I don't want my answer to be longer than the post LOL.Again, great question, Purple. I am chomping at the bit to see you at your party.Love,Cheryl
Had you said "goals" the question would have been extremely difficult because the "goals" of a spanking change not only based on the type of spanking... but it varies from spanking to spanking.But "responsibility" is much easier. A spanker is responsible for being safe and ensuring a spanking doesn't veer off in a way that would 'damage' their spankee. That means physically or mentally. Just don't want to push to a place that the spankee truly did not want to go.:)Todd and Suzy
I was going to write something in response to this excellent question, but Cheryl said everything that I was going to say and probably stated it more clearly. So I will confine myself to complementing Cheryl for her answer.Wintermute
Thank you all for your comments, I will be writing a summary for a blog over the weekend. Just wanted to throw in a few cents worth. Since I am a switch I am both spanker and spankee. When I am the one topping I feel a tremendous sense of responsibility to the bottom's welfare, especially if this involves discipline. And if a bottom should zone or hit sub space they often need help because it is a bit like being drunk, you are just not sure what is going on. I know that since I have visited a time or two myself.Cigi and Cheryl, what well written and beautifully thought out answers. I can always rely on the two of you to look at the issue squarely and speak to it.Welcome Maryann, and I have to agree! JUST DO IT!! I also agree with your other comments. Spanking tends to make me sleepy(well sometimes)and being held is such a joy. That is why bedtime spanking is wonderful. ToddnSuzy I have to agree, the spanker is responsible for never pushing the limits that have been set without permission. If I was going to talk about a spankee's responsibility it would definitely be that you state your limits clearly and not expect anyone to read your mind.Wintermute, I couldn't agree with you more about Cheryl's response.Thanks to you all for commenting.Hugs,Purple Angel
I want a spanking that lets me know that he is in control. Love smacks are alright for lovemaking, but a real spanking should be hard enough to make me cry. I want to be held after too. Being shown that I am loved is a very important part of the spanking experience for me. I like the ritual part of being spanked as well, being told to take my pants off, having my panties taken down to my knees, and then off. I don't much like the corner though.
Friday, September 19, 2008
None of my cats will even try!

I have tried to teach my cats to wield a paddle or brush. After all I live with three of them, I must get on their nerves from time to time. What a perfect opportunity for a spanking. But will they cooperate? No way! In fact if they see the toy bag come out they leave the room and go to sleep on the couch. What a trio of wet blankets.
In any case I decided this picture had to be seen since they wouldn't take my word for it.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Question of the Week

Friday, September 12, 2008
How long? Always!

Thursday, August 28, 2008
What We Love About Spanking and a New Question

Dave’s comment
I was fortunate enough today to spank two women, one for the first time. What made it enjoyable for both of us is we talked about mutual respect and boundaries. This alleviates some of the trepidation bottoms have with a new top. I talked with her during her spanking to keep her at ease and become enveloped by the experience.It is very important for both people to have an understanding of each others expectations from a spanking session. By communicating at the beginning it made it a terrific experience for both of us.
Purple, for me spanking a willing woman is highly erotic.The more it turns her on the more pleasure I get.Warm hugs,Paul.
I appreciated the genuine pleasure you both get from spanking women in a way that is meaningful and exciting. I totally agree with Dave’s comments on communication. I also could relate to Paul since I am a switch and spanking is also a very erotic activity for me and my SO.
Spankedhortic’s comment
3 things.1/ The adrenalin/endorphin high2/ Playing - getting away from the usual round of everyday, life doing something surreal 3/ Building a trust bond between the lady concerned and myself
Hermione’s comment
I definitely like the pain. Well, maybe 'need' is a better way to put it. And I think there is an endorphin rush that I want, otherwise why would I really crave a spanking if a week goes by without one?I also enjoy the closeness that we experience for at least 2 days afterward.Hugs,Hermione
I love the release of control. The closeness I feel afterwards, and the caring and attention I've gotten. I like the release it provides from stress. Carye :-)
ab’s comment
I myself like the build up. Start with a warm up and built so I'mpushing my butt up to meet the spanks and the excitement of the smackand what it does to my stomach.
The personal touch, the attention, and sensation of a woman's hand onmy bare bottom. Maybe it's all the same. When I top I just love to seea bottom wobble and turn those beautiful colors of red.Spank those bottoms to and fro make them wobble watch them glow Ialways say.
Fw comment
being a visual male, is there any other kind? I love the visual ass pect. The beauty of the female bottom is unequalled in all the world. It is shaped like a heart and is the cradle of all civilization. Sometimes it is difficult to not just sit and admire the "scene'" and administer spanks at the same time, but the jiggling affect makes up for the need to participate.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

This trip was quite different in that we didn't have a hectic schedule of go here and be there. It was simply the cook out at my brother's and the rest of the time was ours. We ate in a really wonderful Italian restaurant in Evanston and had so much time to walk and talk together. On Sunday we went to the Morton Arboretum just south of Chicago. It was a sunny, blue sky day, not too hot or humid. It was gorgeous there and we walked through garden and forest areas, just the two of us...well of course there were other people present but I really wasn't paying attention. I must tell you that this would have been the greatest place for an outdoor spanking except for all the other people. That made it quite difficult, actually impossible. But one of these days.....
Ok so what does this have to do with the tshirt at the beginning of the post? Well, my birthday had been the week before and I was promised a wonderful birthday spanking. Oh my that was certainly an understatement. GC decided many of my toys should have the honor of joining in the festivities. So he began with his hand which I always love. He gave me 57 spanks plus one for good luck and one to grow on. Considering the implication I really needed one to shrink on.
But that was just the beginning. Of course I had to be spanked with my purple paddle. Why it would have been awful to leave out my very favorite. So once again 59 really solid spanks on my already tingling bottom. Now lest you think he is not the sensual and lovely man that he is I must add that each spanking was finished with caresses and rubbing that nearly drove me out of my mind(in the best possible way).
By now I was beginning to zone out and I do know my leather strap, his birthday gift to me was used next. Oh I do love leather, somehow it has a feel and a rhythm all its own. I was now doing a lot of oohing and aahing and an occasional yelp. And I do know at some point my hairbrush got its turn as well as my lexan paddle. Yes, 59 with all of them. I ask you, can that man birthday spank or what? The final spanking was the same as the first, his very warm hand on my extremly warm tush.
He used the flogger to caress my very bright bottom and also the bristle side of the brush. By this point I felt like a lump of silly putty. And I just remember wanting to stay there forever. It was amazing. My bottom had been treated to such a variety of sensations that I am surprised the endorphins weren't running out of my ears.
Of course I got other spankings and gave other spankings over the weekend but that birthday spanking won't soon be forgotten. I can hardly wait to turn 58!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Question of the Week

Saturday, August 16, 2008
Brotherly Love

Monday, August 11, 2008
Visits Coming and Going

My brother just left from his second visit and I am on my way to visit a friend I have not seen in a year. We have been friends for 35 years. She is vanilla but she was also the first person I told when I decided to allow myself to explore this part of my life. I can't wait to see her.
I will post about my brother's visit in the next few days.
I would also like to let you know that my Yahoo group, Our Need and Desire is having another party in November. I have a link to the group on this page if you are interested in joining.
Purple Angel
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
I'll Cry if I Want To

Yes I went to the Crimson Moon party this past weekend with my adorable GC. We arrived on Thursday afternoon since the party began Thursday night and continued until Sunday.
Thursday was terrific. I picked up my friends Carol and Cheryl and we drove up to Chicago(only got off track once, pretty good for my directionally challenged brain). Even the ride up there was a lot of laughs.
When we got to the hotel GC came down to help with the luggage and it was wonderful to have my arms around him after being separated for five weeks. After I unpacked and put myself back together we went out for dinner. After dinner there were lots of people arriving and I had the chance to talk with friends I hadn't seen in awhile. Everything was fantastic.
Since GC reserves first and last spankings of the day at parties, we went back to the room and I was once again reminded of one of the many reasons I adore him. Once he had put some color in my cheeks we both went socializing. I was asked to play by a friend I have played with at every CM party. He is a switch so we both had a great time. I know I have mentioned it before but the massage table he and his wife bring to parties is a great surface to lie on when being spanked. When both of us had enjoyed a number of toys and were glowing a gorgeous shade of bright pink, we rejoined the folks laughing and talking in the hallway. It was getting close to 1 am so I headed back to the room and my wonderful man.
We had some delightful spanking fun as well as other kinds of fun and drifted off to sleep in each other's arms.
The next day we decided to go to the Art Institute for part of the day. Its not that we don't love spanking, it just seems strange to be in a wonderful city and never leave the hotel. So off we went for a chance to look at magnificent artwork(no spanking pictures though) and to eat ice cream, which is one of my favorite pastimes.
At about 4 we headed back to the hotel to shower and change for the evening fun. As I was changing I noticed my leg was starting to hurt. This isn't terribly unusual so I just took some Tylenol. However, it continued getting worse. I did my best and limped down the hallway where everyone was gathered waiting for dinner to begin. I talked with many friends but didn't feel much like eating, the throbbing in my right leg was really getting serious. Several of the guys asked me to play but I had to tell them no and I explained that I needed to wait for my leg to improve.
It didn't improve and I ended up asking GC to help me get down to our room since I really couldn't walk alone anymore. And that room is where I stayed until Sunday when it was time to go home. Now it isn't a horrible fate to be in a comfy air conditioned hotel room watching cable TV and reading. But when everyone else is giving and getting spankings it just makes you want to cry. Sort of like the oldie Its My Party and I'll Cry if I Want To.
However, I could not have asked for more care and concern than I got from GC. I really do believe he was back in the room to check on my every 20 minutes. He went out and bought a cane(the walking kind) and refilled my prescription for muscle relaxant. I was served my meals in bed and got lots of hugging and reassurance. The biggest concern was whether I could drive home from Chicago since the rental car was in my name and I was the only one allowed to drive it.
I must tell you the best part though. My birthday comes up this month. Unbeknownst to me GC had contacted Ian of London Tanners (they make fabulous implements)and had planned to present me with one of my birthday gifts at the Vendor's Fair. He was going to be trying out the implements at the London Tanner's table and when I said I liked the one that was eventually mine, he was going to surprise me with it right there. Can you believe how sweet the man is? In any case, he had to alter his plans and bring it up to the hotel room. It was quite a surprise, a beautiful burgandy leather strap. We did test drive it on Sunday morning when I was starting to feel a bit better. It is a great implement.
Well, all things must come to an end whether we want them to or not. It certainly was not the party experience I hoped for but I had quality time with the one person I wanted to be with more than anyone else so I have no complaints. We had time to talk, laugh, spank, love and just hold each other.
I did make it home but by the time I dropped off my friends the pain was much worse and it was very hard to work the brake. And I am still not quite back on my feet yet. My big brother is coming to visit tomorrow and, for once, I am not in trouble for anything (see, miracles are possible) so I know I will enjoy his visit.
But I miss the man in my life. I missed him as soon as we pulled away from the hotel to start down to central Illinois. Fortunately I only have to wait until Aug. 22 to see him.
Yes, I certainly did and will cry if I want to, although as long as GC is in my life, there does not seem to be much reason to cry.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Spanking and Frozen Custard