If you are a spanker what positions do you prefer and why. I know lots of people like over the knee, but are there any others you really think are helpful for different types of spankings? Which ones present that bottom just the way you want it? Does embarrassment lend itself to part of the spanking and therefore call for a different position?
If you are a spankee which positions do you love, and which do you hate? Are there any that are a hard line NO for you? And if there are, why do you feel that way about them. Does the position have anything to do with the person spanking you? Inotherwords are you more comfortable in certain positions with your SO while you would never consider them for play at a party.
And if there are any positions you have never tried but think would be interesting ask the group about them. Maybe we can get some helpful info for you.
So my friends which way do you prefer to get that sunny side up?
Positions I like:-
1/ Bent over free standing with hands on knees, while the lady concerned has her non spanking hand holding the back of my neck and hand spanks with the other hand. This sort of has a caring control element to it.
2/ Bent over a solid table or work surface with my torso fully supported, this allows one to forget about holding a position and concentrate on the spanking, it also restricts breathing a little and intensifies the experience.
3/ Lying flat on a bed, it's just comfortable and nice.
Positions I hate:- Touching toes or any other free standing position that puts strain on the knees.
A position I want to try:- I think it is called stupidado, hands tied behind the back and suspended from above forcing the spankee into a bending position. It would be nice to hear from anyone who has experienced this.
The bondage position you are referring to is called, 'strappado,' and there is information on it you might find interesting on Wikipedia.org, complete with a hot picture! No, I haven't tried it, but I would like to!
I would like to try bent over free standing with the spanker holding me by my hair with the non spanking hand, or holding me around my waist. Definitely bent over, no matter what, and with some type of support. I don't like laying flat on a bed; the embarrassment of being made to bend over adds to the experience for me.
We both prefer the same position... spanker sitting on a bed or couch with spankee laid over the lap. That way head and feet are flat and supported. No strain on the knees/hips/etc and no blood rushing to the head. It's perfect for long spankings and it allows the focus to be where it needs to be. Also a comfortable position for the spanker.
For shorter spanking, lots of other positions work... and we like many of those. And for an erotic spanking, the diaper position works quite nicely. But as a general rule, we put overall comfort when it comes to position.
Todd and Suzy
Don't know how I missed this, sorry I'm so late.
I love OTK with the hand. No doubt about it, my favorite.
But... I also like positions that work well for a good paddling from a wooden paddle: over the end of the bed or couch, on hands and knees on bed (not good for a long spanking), lying face down on bed either elevated by pillows under the tush or not, and standing, bent over holding the seat of a chair.
I don't much like anything too weird or convuluted, like over the end of the bed with head/hands on floor, or complicated like folded into a rocker/recliner in some upside down and backward way. I also do NOT like anything freestanding, like bend over, grab your ankles, hold still. Yeah, right! You try it, buddy!
I like to be held firmly in place, but not trapped, if that makes sense. Don't actually tie me down or sit on me. I need the illusion that I could get away and it is only his strong hands keeping me in place. Nice.
Fun topic, thanks.
Strappado is meant to dislocate the shoulders - and would be extremely painful - WAY too painful for me!
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