Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Rantful Delight

WARNING......I am not a happy camper. Anyone in the midst of holiday happiness, stop right here and read no further. Most of this blog is not about spanking although I should be spanked for being a brat and writing it to begin with. First off I used to love holidays. I cleaned, cooked, decorated....didn't even matter if it was a holiday that belonged to my particular affiliation. Nope, I was right there celebrating with everyone in my family and my friends.
As I have gotten older this has changed tremendously but this year is really the worst. I had made plans to be with one of my dearest friends and her family on Thanksgiving. She became a grandmother this spring and I hadn't seen the baby yet so I couldn't wait. Evidently the humorous nature of karma will have me waiting a while more since I now have a fever over 103 and we are not sure if it is the flu or caused by a new medication. So I will be going nowhere and, of course, I don't want anyone over here in my hobbit hole in case I have something that can fly from one person to the next.
Now I do realize I am suffering from post party let down but this is just plain ridiculous. I am sure by the time this is over there will be a permanent pout on my face since my muscles will have frozen in that position. Hmm but that might be good for spanking events.
That's the other problem, no warm spanks for giving thanks. Now what kind of holiday is it with no spanking? Why its no holiday at all.
I do hope all of you have a terrific holiday, please eat lots of goodies for me even if you are on Todd and Suzy's diet site. I will think of you as I sip the traditional Thanksgiving ginger ale and spoon down delightful sugar free jello.
Ok, the whining is down, have a wonderful holiday, in all actuality we all have much to be thankful for.


PK said...

I am really sorry that you are feeling so lousy! It's just not fair, there are plenty of other times to be sick besides Thanksgiving! Maybe as you curl up and nap you can wander off into a story about the man that come to see that you are well cared for. You can fill in the fun details after you are feeling better.

Hope you are well soon!


Anonymous said...

So sorry you are sick and not able to go anywhere. Sure hope you get better very fast.

Cigi said...

Oh Sweetie...I am so sorry you are not feeling well again. Cheryl and I have you in our prayers. And I will drink a ginger ale and eat some sugar free (ugh!) jello just for you, my sweet.

Get better soon! :)



According to all the American sitcoms that I see on TV Thanksgiving is all about arguing anyway :-), so are you missing that much?

Have the best Thanksgiving that is possible and get well soon.
