I consider this an appropriate smiley face for this particular blog. In fact I wish I had one of these.
I want to share one of the loveliest side effects of the recent party I attended. Now I certainly knew I would meet very fine people of like mind and belief. What I didn't realize is that friendships would form so quickly.
Truly I am delighted to tell you that I have been contacted by email, IM, and phone by those people who were just names on a post before and now I can't wait until I have a chance to see them again. An internet friend once told me that the reason we are all so open and share with each other is we know we will never meet. I didn't believe it then and I don't now.
And I am not just looking forward to spanking and being spanked (although that's pretty good too!!). I am looking forward to sitting down at a meal and talking, sitting at tables in the afternoon and discussing how our lives are progressing and how everyone's health is. I am looking forward to going to the pool and hot tub with other group members. Inotherwords I am looking forward to the pleasure of their company.
So for any of you considering a party don't rule it out for any reason. Even if you spank only with your partner. There are couples who attend parties that live this kind of lifestyle and attend parties to meet and greet old friends. I can't tell you how wonderful it is to be with people who are of the same mindset as you are. Their lifestyle may not match yours exactly, but no one really judges anyone else. And if they do they find themselves without much company.
I really have nothing negative to say about it except the time was too short and went way too fast.
Saturday Spankings -
4 days ago
1 comment:
Purple, that sounds really good, I'm very happy for you, long may this continue.
Warm hugs,
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