Laura stood at the door open mouthed as Rob marched next door bag in hand. She couldn't stand waiting to find out what would happen so she rushed after him arriving breathlessly at Liane and Allen's door as he did.
Rob rang the bell and looked at Laura sternly, "I think, young lady, that I will do the talking." Just as he finished speaking Allen opened the door. He smiled in greeting until he saw the thundercloud look on Rob's face and the desperate look on Lauras.
"Hey is everything alright you two, no one is hurt or anything," his concern was evident.
Rob took a deep breath and thrust the bag into Allen's hands. He explained the situation simply and briefly. Allen's good natured expression darkened as he called out Liane's name. Laura could feel her stomach fluttering and her palms sweating. She was completely torn about what to do. With her voice quavering she spoke softly to her husband, "Um Rob could I talk to you in private?" Rob turned to look at her just as Liane came up to the doorway.
"Oh hi there," she smiled disarmingly at Rob and Laura. But her smile faltered when she saw the bag in Allen's hands and the look on Allen's face. She immediately turned to Laura with a look of utter disbelief on her face. Laura shrugged her shoulders and shook her head. Liane turned to Allen knowing there was no way out.
Allen turned back to Rob and Laura, "I think you two better come in so we can settle this." Rob took Laura firmly by the arm and led her into the living room, following Allen who had Liane in tow. "Alright ladies I suggest you both sit down on that couch now", Allen spoke in a firm, no nonsense tone. The look on Rob's face and his arms folded over his chest also brooked no argument. Liane and Laura dropped down on the couch at almost the same moment.
Opening the bag Allen pulled out the sexy red panties, garter belt and bra, quickly followed by the long lavender gown. Rob looked from one woman to another, "Alright who do these belong to."
Liane immediately spoke up, "Those are mine, I bought them today. Allen I wanted to surprise you so I asked Laura to keep them at her house for me." Laura breathed out a sigh of relief.
Allen put all the items back in the bag. "Liane I told you that there was no extra spending this month with all the money we have budgeted for the holidays. What in the world made you think this was an acceptable idea. You didn't even discuss it with me. Well I can tell you one thing, all this goes back to the store tomorrow and you won't be sitting comfortably in the car either."
Looking at Allen with a slight desperate gaze Liane confessed, "Honey none of that can be returned, I bought it on sale. I thought you would love seeing me in them."
Laura tugged on Rob's shirt, "Honey don't you think we should go home."
The look on Rob's face turned thoughtful, "Laura I am giving you one chance to be totally honest. Does any of this belong to you? Did you buy anything at the store after I specifically told you not to? Is Liane covering for you?"
"Well, no none of that is mine, those are the things Liane bought." She hesitated as she looked at Allen and Rob and then at Liane. Liane shook her head indicating Laura should stick to her deception. But Laura had reached the end of the line, so to speak. "What I bought is hidden in our house." She dropped her head into her hands, she was so ashamed of herself.
"I see", Rob said quietly. He drew Allen to the side, spoke to him briefly and after Allen nodded in agreement spoke again, still quietly, "Go back to the house, get what you bought and bring it right back here Laura."
Laura sighed deeply, "Yes Rob", she returned to the house and withdrew her bag from the hiding place in the guest closet. When she returned to Allen and Liane's house she was shocked to find Liane in the lavender nightgown.
Rob held out his hand for Laura's bag, and looked inside. "Very pretty my dear, now you can take this lovely gown into the bathroom and change into it with nothing underneath."
"Can't we do this at home?" she asked pleadingly. Looking at Liane she could see on her face that there was no hope of that at all. Without waiting for an answer she went into the downstairs powder room and changed into the gown, putting all her clothes into the bag. When she emerged nervously from the bathroom, Allen and Rob were both standing in front of the couch where Liane sat with her head bowed. Oh are we in trouble, thought Laura. Both men were standing with their belts in their hands. Laura gasped, she had thought maybe a hairbrush but a punishment strapping?
Rob looked at Laura and pointed at the couch. She sat down quickly, thinking to herself it would be awhile before she sat comfortably for awhile. "You are both in a great deal of trouble for several reasons," Rob began.
"For one thing", Allen continued, "You both went out shopping after being told that both of our budgets could not handle additional purchases right now."
"And if that isn't enough you both plotted and lied together to keep this from both of us. Well since you schemed together you can be spanked together." Rob smacked his belt against his palm. Allen nodded in agreement. "Now ladies, stand up, turn around, pull those lovely gowns up over your bottoms, bend over, put your hands on the couch."
"Oh honey, you know I am sorry, I just so wanted to wear something pretty for you," Laura's eyes filled with tears.
"Yes but you are just a little too late with those feelings and after all you are wearing your pretty gown, aren't you"?
Allen also added, "Can either of you honestly say you don't deserve what you are about to get."
Laura and Liane looked at each other, neither one interested in telling any more lies. They both pulled their gowns up to their waists and bent over, grabbing onto the couch cushions. Liane whispered to Laura, "I am so sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen."
A quiet reassuring whisper from Laura, "I know, I brought this on myself, its not your fault."
Both women felt the straps brush against their backsides as their husbands prepared to lay on the first spanks. They were not only dreading the burning bottom, but each was so embarrassed to be exposed in front of a man that was not her husband.
Allen and Rob stood to the side of their wife, place a hand on her back, looked at each other, nodded and raised their arm for the first strap mark.
The women heard the swish before they felt the burn of the strap biting their tender skin. Both gasped in unison. Their could gauge their husband's ire by the feel of the strap. Before they had much time to think the straps began to rise and fall in rhythm as a lecture was interspersed.
"You are never to lie to us at any time is that clear," Rob said firmly.
Both voices wailed at once, "Yes oh yes". The strapping continued with enthusiasm.
"When you are told not to spend money you will not deceive us and go behind our back, is that clear", stated Allen.
This time there were many promises to never ever do it again, apologies issued forth as the straps continued punishing bright red bottoms. Tears feel freely and there were many pleas for mercy. However, both men were determined to teach an unforgetable lesson.
After approximately ten more swats, the girls had lost count long ago, both straps stopped in unison. All that could be heard was sobbing and sniffling as both women held their position waiting for permission to stand up.
Rob spoke first, "Ok Laura come here." She stood up, turned around and went into his arms sobbing on his shoulder. He rubbed her back, "I think we need to discuss this at home, don't you have something to say to Allen?"
Laura lifted her head, looked at Allen and wiped her eyes. "Allen I am truly sorry for drawing Liane into this and helping her try to hide what she bought."
Allen smiled at her, "Ok Laura, I can forgive that, we are all friends, just don't let it happen again."
Before Allen spoke again Liane spoke to Rob, "I also apologize for encouraging Laura to disobey you Rob." Liane also was forgiven with a smile from Rob and she turned back to be hugged by her husband who was also smoothing her hair as she cried.
Rob and Laura quietly left for their own home. When they got inside, Laura burst into tears anew. Rob walked her quietly into their bedroom. He laid down on the bed with her, drawing her tightly against him. "Shhh now Laura, you know all is forgiven and I know you won't forget this for awhile. I am afraid that was a pretty energetic strapping you won't soon forget sweetie."
She lifted her tear stained face to his, "I deserved it, I am truly sorry. I don't know why I did such a thing after you said not to and I certainly knew we had lots of holiday expenses coming up."
"Just remember love I don't refuse you things to be mean. Besides," and he smiled at her,"you are right, this is beautiful on you. I almost gave a thought to not punishing you."
"A good thought," Laura responded gingerly rubbing her well punished bottom.
Rob laughed and had Laura turn on her stomach. He pulled up her gown and poured some lotion from the bottle on the nightstand onto his hand. Slowly and gently he began rubbing the lotion onto well punished skin that was certainly not going to be only red but would be bruised. As he rubbed her bottom, Laura began to softly moan. Her legs spread slightly and he let his hand wander between them. As he thought, his sweet wife was overcoming the effects of her punishment mindset. For that matter so was he. Spanking Laura never failed to turn him on.
He stood next to the bed and began to take off his clothes. Laura turned on her side to watch him. Her tears had stopped and she looked at her husband with longing. She began to tug up her gown to take it off.
Rob leaned over and stayed her hand. "Oh no you don't young lady, that looks great on you and as long as its already here I intend to enjoy it. Good Lord you look sexy. You certainly paid the price for it, at the store and on your backside. You and Liane shopped for em, you dropped your pants for em, at least you should get some pleasure from them."
Laura smiled and sighed in satisfaction, Rob was always as good as his word and she knew she was forgiven. She might not be sitting for a day or two but lots of things could be done without sitting down. She intended to get full value for the sore bottom and the lovely gown.
Hope you are all satisfied with the ending and thanks for all the comments and inspiration!