Thursday, December 13, 2007

A Gift for my Non Lurkers and Lurkers

Just thought I would include a little holiday cheer in the form or a coupon anyone can print out and use, be they spanker or spankee.

Now as for where I have been, it is true I did have to clean up all the candle wax from Chanukkah. Dripless candles my foot, I have yet to see any that don't drip. And I even put them in the freezer to keep it at a minimum.

I am not off in a hiding place eating chocolate. I have to be honest and admit I did eat one piece. That leads me to my next admission. Up until this morning I really couldn't say I was being spanked but once I admitted to disobeying the rules and eating chocolate, well not being spanked was a thing of the past. I had a rousing session with the hairbrush and some Ben Gay. I don't recommend that type of spanking as a way to start the day. My "older brother" and I are going to see if I can handle having a two piece a week chocolate limit so I don't feel deprived. But that did not count for this morning since I disobeyed him directly.

What is cutting into my time is I know have an online job for Toys R Us. I love the fact that I can start working again and I need the money very much. So if I am not as present as I was please don't give up on me, I will be around. Oh and by the way the Toys R Us is definitely not the Toys R Me I would choose for holiday gifts.

And we really need a better word than lurkers. Makes it sound like people standing in street corners in trench coats.

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1 comment:

Paul said...

Purple, hope things are going well for you, working for Toys-R-Us, pity it's not Toys For You, would you enjoy demonstrating them?
I think guests is a nicer word than lurker, after all if you didn't want readers you wouldn't have an open blog.
Warm hugs,