Sunday, October 7, 2007

Smart Asses Often Have Asses That Smart

The HOTTEST ORIGINAL graphics on the NET at Sparkletags.Com

Here is my thought for the day. Yes even a purple angel sometimes is a, well, a purple brat. I have my moments I assure you. Why do you think I need all those toys I blogged about?

Being bratty or a smart ass is an interesting hobby for a woman who is into spanking and not just for play. When I first became accountable I found myself doing things I absolutely knew were wrong and would get me spanked. To be honest I began to wonder if being a spanko meant you were just a little off. But, I found that soon I began to shape up and start playing by the rules instead of trying to break them into little pieces. I think it is a challenge to find out if the person doing the discipline is consistent in applying consequences.

Second chances don't work well for me because I usually take them. To be honest I would rather get what I have coming and then get myself back on track. My "older brother" reminded me the other day that when we first started out, I was getting three or four disciplinary spankings a week. Now I hardly ever need one.

However, I should point out something else. The comment that heads this post is a great one if you want to incite a Just Because spanking. Being a smart ass does not mean you have to do something harmful or break rules. Its sort of like saying, "So what are you going to do? Spank me?" And of course that statment is always followed by a a silent, "PLEASE!"


Anonymous said...

I too am a smartass and sometimes end up with an ass that smarts. I am held accountable by an Uncle and also by an Aunt (the two are not married).

I will greatly vary, sometimes not 'earning' any discipline spanking for a week, and sometimes several times a week.

Paul said...

Purple, a smart bottom learns, specially when the Top says a punishment and means a punishment.
My girl learned fast, apart from speeding, which took three punishments and the last one was hard, I hated to hurt her that much, but it was the last serious punishment.
She got spanked lots, but the type that she loved and she also loved what followed, I quite liked it also. *GGG*
Warm hugs,