Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Another new experience

First of all thank you for the kind and caring comments so many of you left while I was pulling myself together. Sometimes in a long distance relationship, such as the one I am in, it can lead to misunderstandings. This is what happened to me and I came crashing down. I simply could not write and for that matter thinking even became challenging. I decided it was time to get over it since I am going to the Crimson Moon party this Friday. I want this to be a great experience and not a chance to mope around a hotel room. I am also sharing a hotel room with a wonderful online friend. I have been so looking forward to meeting her and that leads me to my next new experience.

She and I share the same "older brother". She is as accountable for her behavior to him as I am. He always feels a real time spanking is better than a self administered spanking over the phone or computer. This is especially true for serious issues.

My friend has a very serious spanking due and I was asked to adminster it. Now I am a switch but have never spanked another woman. Since I do know how much more effective a "real time" spanking is, I agreed to do this. I should say that my friend totally agreed to it or I would not be comfortable doing this.

So I will be going to my first party, playing with people I have just met, spanking and being spanked, and giving a disciplinary spanking to a very good friend. You have to admit that is a lot of firsts for one weekend.

Right now my goal is keeping my attitude positive and just getting over the misunderstanding that laid me low.

I will also keep you up to date during the party since I am bringing my laptop with me. I, as always, am interested in hearing what you have to say about the experiences I will be going through.

And, by the way, my friend understands that our friendship does not assure her of an easy spanking. In fact it is quite the opposite. What she did put her at serious risk and I want to make sure it never happens again. So does she.


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful compliment for you to be entrusted with this responsibility and privilege.

Paul said...

Purple, I'm happy to hear that you are largely what was bothering you.
It is indeed a compliment, but also an awesome responsibility, because she is a friend the job needs to be done well, I am sure that you will.
Warm hugs,

PK said...

I am so glad to hear from you again! I hope things are going to work out as you need them to. As the others have said you have been a great deal of responsibility and I know you will be able to provide your friend with what she needs.

I can't wait to hear all about the party!


Anonymous said...

We started off as a long distance couple... 2000 miles apart. So, we do understand the challenges. We were glad you did the smart thing, and took a little break and gathered yourself emotionally.

Can't wait to hear about how the party goes for you. Very interesting that you'll be giving your friend a spanking. Will you be given any instructions.. or is it totally up to you? Also, any chance that the tables would be turned and she'd spank you at some point in the future?

Really looking forward to your updates!

Todd & Suzy

Hermione said...

Looking forward to hearing all about the weekend activities!