Sunday, May 25, 2008

So is it in our Jeans or our Genes?

I don't know any spanko that hasn't mulled this type of question over from time to time. I thought I was done asking why I am the way I am but evidently it keeps coming back to annoy me.
So what do you think? Is it something wired into our brain, our genetic makeup or perhaps like left handedness, an anomoly. Or is it a deep seated physical need, possibly sexual to have that particular part of our anatomy stimulated?
If you think I have the answer for this I don't like disappointing my readers but I don't have an answer. It just seems to me everyone I have talked to claims to have felt this way as long as they remember. I include myself in this group since I feel the same way.
But what about people that learn to enjoy it later in life and claim they had no interest to start out with. Some of them become quite comfortable with spanking as part of their lifestyle.
As I have stated before, at this point I can't imagine denying that part of myself ever again. It would, in fact, be emotionally painful to do so. I feel strong emotional connections as well as physical connections to the two men in my life that are my consistent spankers. Its not that I don't enjoy play with others but that connection is not really strong. Simply put it is two people enjoying the same "hobby".
So here I am back to that crooked letter y....why do I not only want but need this? The pleasure of a spanking with the right person has such intensity for me. It is often cathartic and it absolutely releases endorphins.
Really and truly I don't know whether it is in my genetic makeup or not. It would be a bit strange to go to family members and take a census of who is or is not a spanko. I will admit though, that now that it is part of my life, I often wonder how people who are not so inclined can live without it.


Paul said...

Purple, I feel the same about people who can't stand Chocolate???
I can't imagine living with someone who finds my desire to spank obscene.
I was extremely lucky that the three woman in my life enjoyed receiving what I had to offer.
I stopped worrying many years ago, I just thank The Source that I am what I am.
Warm hugs,

Anonymous said...

I can't explain the "latency" effect, but I've always been convinced, coming from a scientific background, that this is a hardwired genetic trait. There is a biochemical basis for it. Unfortunately, it's highly unlikely anyone (even the Kinsey Institute at Indiana University) with the skills and resources will ever launch a study to isolate the exact genetic "locus" for this tendency we can't really ever run away from. When, as I was, a child of 4 is overcome by an "aura" that places him or her in our category, regardless whether there's even a hint of external influence such as from parents employing spanking as part of one's upbringing, it must be a genetically-induced behavioral phenomenon like any other "paraphilic" inclination.

What I also wonder about is the number of spankos who haven't surfaced or sought validation from others for this seeming perversion, so that he or she can feel normal and accept who they are and maybe even celebrate it like so many of us have. How many are repressed and don't act out until they are well into their 30s, 40s, or later.
I'm also amazed to read messages from men and women in their 60s and 70s whose central nervous systems still send out these signals!

Great post, Purple Angel! Besides being the same age, you and I are so much alike!

Anonymous said...

I believe it comes from the same portion of the brain responsiable for orgasims. Scientific studies show that 10-15% of women have the ability to have mulitable orgasims which seems to be genetic as well. Its not a stretch to think genetics play a role in it. Some are able to learn how to control more latent areas of thier brain as well to achieve multiable orgasims so again I would think this also shows why some never had the need in the first place but later on in life do develop the love for it in spanking. Its what makes sense to me.