Monday, May 19, 2008

Her Very First-part 2

Her Very First-Part two

Tara’s hotel room looked as though it had been struck by a tornado. There were clothes strewn on the bed and draped over the desk chair. She just could not decide what she should wear tonight for, what she considered, and a momentous occasion.

Finally, with a considerable degree of impatience, she decided to shower and perhaps that would help clear her mind. The hot water was soothing as was the lavender scent of her shampoo and soap. She so wanted to look and smell wonderful. As she showered she remembered the online hints veterans of this experience had posted for those known as newbies.

Hygiene was especially emphasized and, even though Tara had never neglected this in her life, she wanted to be extra sure. Women were encouraged to wear skirts or slacks with elastic waists for easier access during play times. She wasn’t sure why that was emphasized for women when men, obviously, were not going to wear dresses, skirts, or elastic waist pants. Well, at least she didn’t think they would. She giggled to herself at the picture that presented in her mind.

After her shower she dried her hair, put on wonderful lotion and light cologne and went back to attack the dress problem. As she looked over what was there, suddenly the solution presented itself. Her sheer black skirt, black lace thigh highs, and her red sweater, which was tasteful but not terribly dressy, just seemed exactly right. After all her pseudonym was Scarlett.

The clock was just registering five as she finished dressing and started putting on makeup. Looking into the mirror she suddenly had a gut wrenching sense of conflict. “Do you really want to do this?” she asked her reflection. But the answer had been gone over so many times she knew the answer by heart. She wanted this very much. This need had been burning within her for many years and she had just begun acting on it. As far as she was concerned there was no turning back now.

Since she knew hotel rooms were often used for party activities, she set hers straight. Clothes were hung up and put in drawers. Her toiletries were straightened on the counter by the sink. It was disappointing that she had never had time to purchase any implements, but she really didn’t know what to purchase or not.

Trying to ignore the butterflies zooming through her stomach she gargled one more time, picked up her purse, and started for the lobby even though it was only 5:30 and events did not begin until 6:00.

When she got off the elevator she noticed groups of people talking and laughing, she was reasonably sure they must belong to the same group she did. She suddenly felt shy and wanted to be back in her hotel room.

Before she had the chance to do anything a woman with long brown hair and smiling eyes came up to her and held out her hand. “Hi there, I am Bitsy, and you look like maybe you are a newbie.” Tara held out her hand to Bitsy and told her that her name was Scarlett. Bitsy’s eyes opened wide. “Honey with that name and that sweater you are going to have one terrific evening.”

At the suddenly stricken look on Tara’s face, Bitsy’s look softened. “Don’t be afraid sweetie, nothing will happen that you don’t ok. Come on over and let me introduce you to some of the other group members before you have to go into orientation, then we won’t all seem like strangers.”

Tara let out the breath she hadn’t realized she was holding, “Oh thank you, that would be great and I recognize your name from posts on the group’s website.”

Bitsy laughed, “Oh yes I generally don’t keep my opinions to myself, but come on over. I promise no one will spirit you off unless that is your inclination.”

With a blush and a quiet laugh Tara responded, “Well we will just have to see won’t we.”


Paul said...

Purple, t6hank you for this instalment, can't wait 'til her butt matches her name.
Warm hugs,

Anonymous said...

Hello, I like your blog. If you like, we could exchange links between our blogs.
