Monday, December 17, 2007

Oh Well Purple Isn't Everything

Well I resolved my issues with the blog my switching templates. I am not crazy about the color but its a huge improvement on the mess my blog had become.

I am looking forward to getting together with a friend this week for some spanking fun. He thinks it would be a great idea to act out my parody on the eight days of Hanukkah on my bottom. I have to agree, a little late but as they say better late then never.

To all the wonderful blogs I read I promise to try and get around more but right now the call volume at Toys R Us is crazy as you might guess. So my time is much more limited.

One of the members of my Yahoo group thought it was too bad we didn't have a special section of Toys R Us for spanko adults. Now wouldn't that be great?! Think of all the internet shipping fees you would save. Ah but then there is that moment when you come out of that section, brown bag in hand and run into a neighbor, the minister, rabbi, teacher, the list goes on. Of course if you run into them in that special section no problem but I could see it being very awkward indeed. It still would be a lot of fun to design such a place.


PK said...

I like the new look. Very clean and easy to read. It would be nice to have a spankers-R-us but I bet I could find some good spanking toy where ever I shop!!

I'll be happy when you have more time!


Paul said...

Purple dear girl, do what you need to do, we will wait.
I don't know about Spankers R Us, but I wish things were as open when my girl was alive.
Warm hugs,

Anonymous said...

Yahoo group?


New template looks great, especialy with the purple writting.


Purple Angel said...

Thanks for the positive comment on the new template. I am just glad I could straighten it out.

And as for my Yahoo group it is If any of you are interested in joining you would be most welcome. It is a very friendly and diverse group of like minded people. However, all aspects of the lifestyle are welcome and respected.
Purple Angel