Part 3
Being a teacher for a number of years had given Jeremy a penchant for making lists. It was survival for an elementary teacher. Events moved quickly in a classroom and you needed a list of the day’s events, especially if they were out of the ordinary. Well spanking Kara was about as much out of the ordinary as he could imagine for a Saturday afternoon.
As he visited each site he took notes about suggestions, correct ways of spanking, the types of spankings but he drew the line at implements. He had no experience whatsoever so it was his hand or nothing.
Unfortunately very few places had any ideas on how to convince someone that they needed or deserved a spanking. There were no words to tell them it might help them have a better perspective. Jeremy, of course, by this point was becoming more and more enthused by the idea for a number of reasons. One, of course, was he hoped it would give Kara a wake up call. But the other part was the delicious fantasies it had awakened within him.
He went over scenario after scenario but never once did they end with Kara gratefully draping herself over Jeremy’s lap and saying, “Oh thank you I have needed this for so long.” More of them ended with Kara screeching, “Have you lost your mind?”
Rubbing his chin, Jeremy sighed, maybe he was losing his mind. Why in the world did all that old fantasy life decide to surface today? He looked at the clock; it was time to take off to meet Kara. He stuffed his list into his pants pocket, grabbed a jacket and started off to the restaurant.
As he walked up to Pickles, there was Kara, her blonde hair in a ponytail, looking absolutely wonderful in jeans and a blouse. Jeremy shoved his hands in his pockets and grinned, he always thought she looked wonderful, even when she was in what she called her “hang around the house” clothes.
He noticed that as she caught sight of him she tried to put a smile in place of the frown he had already noticed. Maybe she was trying harder to be more positive, and today would not be the eternal lecture on men that he had heard so many times.
“Hey there Kara”, Jeremy enveloped her in a big hug. She hugged back as always and Jeremy paused for a moment to inhale the scent of her hair. “How are you doing, any better? Did getting out of the house help?” Her answer was a huge sigh and the return of the frown.
“No but maybe the pie will help”, she replied with the trace of a smile. It even extended to her dark brown eyes.
With a smile Jeremy opened the door and ushered Kara in, “Alright then let’s get to it so we can see if that pie has magical properties.”
Kara rolled her eyes at him, “Whatever,” and entered the restaurant. Jeremy shook his head and followed her in. As soon as they were seated Jeremy smiled across the table, he couldn’t look at Kara without a grin on his face, even when she was looking at him with a scowl. “Alright what’s so funny,” her voice had a definite edge.
Shaking his head Jeremy replied, “Nothing funny at all, you just look great today.”
Kara looked at him and he could see the thunderclouds in her eyes start to soften. “Thanks Jeremy, that is very sweet. I know I look like hell. No sleep does that to a girl. Besides I decided I didn’t even need makeup today.” She looked momentarily puzzled. “You know you always make me feel better.”
Trying to hide his surprise Jeremy answered quickly, “You don’t need make up and you never have. And if I can make you feel better before chocolate mint pie I can’t imagine how great today will be after dessert.”
Shaking her head Kara smiled slightly before the next storm front hit. She rested her chin on her hand and stared out the window. “Why do I always find the biggest jerks in the world? It’s like I have a sign on my forehead, JERKS WELCOME.”
Jeremy sipped his water as the waiter approached their table, he held up a finger letting the waiter know they were not quite ready. “Want to tell me what happened with Brad?” Jeremy’s voice was gentle.
The thunderclouds were back in those deep brown eyes when she turned to face him, “He thinks I should be more flexible about our time together.” Her voice turned sarcastic, “I should be willing to allow him time with his friends, who I hate by the way, just as he allows me time with my friends. I shouldn’t expect that he is available whenever I want to see him. Well what do I need him in my life for if he isn’t around when I want him to be?” She crumpled her napkin and threw it on the table. “Men are such asses.”
Jeremy frowned slightly, “Are we really now?”
With an impatient snort Kara responded, “Oh don’t be silly Jeremy I wasn’t talking about you. Just men in general.”
“Well Kara last time I checked I was male in general and every other way you can think of. Have you given any thought to your part in this problem with Brad?” Although this was a loaded question, he really felt it was crucial if he was going to ever help Kara find her way through the stubborn wall she had built for years.
“NO I HAVEN’T, and how kind of you to go on the attack the minute your precious manhood is threatened.” Kara turned her head away and missed the astounded look on Jeremy’s face. She had never turned her wrath on him quite like this. He had certainly heard enough diatribes about the male gender, but they were never directed at him.
The waiter was back and Jeremy smiled at him, ordered a cheeseburger and looked at Kara. She was still staring out the window. The waiter patiently asked, “What can I bring you Ma’am?”
Kara gave him a look that should have had him running for the safety of the kitchen but he stood his ground patiently. Finally she barked out, “I just want a small house salad and a diet coke. Got that….and don’t you ever call me Ma’am again.”
The waiter was nonplused, he had pretty much seen it all, but Jeremy had never seen Kara take out her feelings on total strangers before today. “Kara that was totally uncalled for, I can’t believe how rude you were to him, or to me for that matter.”
A single tear trickled down Kara’s lovely face. Jeremy’s heart ached as he watched it run down her beautiful creamy skin. She sat silently as another followed the same path. Jeremy reached his hand out to touch hers, but she pulled away. “I don’t understand why men have to be so hateful. It always ends up like this; they boss me around until I just can’t put up with it anymore. Brad was so sweet when we started dating. But as time went on….Well it ended like all the others. And here I am again, alone.”
Jeremy reached across the table and brushed the tear from her face, “No you aren’t alone Kara and I wish you would let me help you.” She didn’t answer, just kept looking out the window. The waiter arrived and brought their food. They both started eating in silence. Jeremy looked at Kara thoughtfully and started to speak, “You know….”, and that was as far as he got.
“No I don’t know and I am sick of this subject, I think I am probably just meant to be on my own without some jerk always trying to run my life like you are right now.”
Jeremy frowned, “Now wait a minute, I am not trying to run your life Kara, and I am just trying to help. I have never tried to run your life.”
She gave him a sour look, “And why would I take relationship advice from you anyway. Are you in a relationship? When was the last time you were in one Jeremy?” When she got no answer she replied nastily to her own question, “It’s been years hasn’t it? So why the hell would I listen to you?” She attacked her salad.
As he sat thoughtfully chewing on his cheeseburger, Jeremy was beginning to seethe inside. He had no intention of making a scene in the restaurant; Kara had done enough of that already. He also had no intention of ignoring her hateful words. As she ate her salad and stared out the window he continued calmly eating, ignoring the storm starting to rage within.
Kara looked over at him, “Well what’s wrong, no more advice to give? Truth hurts doesn’t it Jeremy, just like it hurts me.”
“No Kara, the truth doesn’t hurt you; the way you choose to interpret people’s motives hurts you.” He continued eating. “Furthermore you have hurt me for no reason; you know I am just trying to help. How many times have we been through this? Have I ever once walked out on you or refused to help you when you were down?” He looked at her thoughtfully. “And yet you feel justified in attacking me simply because I don’t agree with your viewpoint. I wouldn’t be much of a friend if I wasn’t honest with you. But evidently that is not what you want.” He wadded his napkin and threw it on the plate. “You know Kara everyone has a breaking point and today you may have found mine.” He signaled to the waiter for the check.
Kara looked puzzled, “Now wait a minute, don’t you think you are overreacting just a bit. You know I just kind of fly off the handle.”
“Well maybe its time you thought about what you do to others when you fly off like that.” As Jeremy pulled out his credit card Kara protested.
“What about pie, I definitely need some.”
“No Kara pie is not what you need, not at all. We need to go somewhere to talk. This has to stop. You are headed for a miserably lonely life and I can’t stand watching you do that to yourself.”
Kara sat straight up in her chair, anger in every line of her face, “To myself, to myself, what the hell are you talking about; I haven’t done anything to myself.” Before Jeremy could say another word Kara had thrown the remains of the ice in her drink glass in his face. She slammed it down on the table and started to get up and leave.
Jeremy grabbed her arm and held her there, “You are going nowhere until I pay the bill and then you are coming to my place or I am going to yours to talk.”
She tried to pull her arm away but he held fast. He was more determined than ever, she had never acted this badly before even in private discussions much less in public.
The waiter brought back Jeremy’s change and rolled his eyes when he saw the contents of the glass all over the table and floor. Jeremy had half a mind to make Kara clean it up but he knew what kind of reaction that would bring. So he addressed the waiter apologetically, “Sorry about that”, and he left him a huge tip. The waiter smiled appreciatively, “No problem man, we all have our days.”
Kara turned on him furiously, “Oh is that so, and what would you know about it.”
Jeremy held fast to her hand and led her out of the restaurant. “Ok Kara your choice, where are we going to have this out.”
“Nowhere, I am going nowhere with you, see you are just as big a jerk as the rest of them.” He couldn’t believe it but she actually stomped her foot.
“Kara there are words for the way you are acting you know. A very simple straight forward word. I wonder if you realize what it is.”
“Of course I know, I am angry and I am right. Oh I know that is two words isn’t it teacher so I guess I got it wrong.”
“Yes you certainly did”, said Jeremy feeling more in control and certainly more determined. “You my dear are acting like a spoiled brat and that is what we are going to discuss.” Kara stopped dead in her tracks and stared at him.
“You can’t talk to me that way,” and she tried once again to pull away from him. She was somewhat shocked since Jeremy was always so gentle, soft spoken, and supportive. She knew she owed him an apology for throwing the ice in his face but no way was he getting that after calling her a brat.”
Jeremy stopped and kept hold of her hand, facing her. “Not only can I, but I will call you that. You have needed to hear that for a long time. And I guess it’s my place since you are not cooperating.” He began to walk and Kara had no choice but to go along. He walked at a pace she could keep up with but he didn’t say another word until they got to his apartment. As soon as they were inside, Jeremy let go of her hand and gestured to the couch, “Have a seat Kara, it’s going to be a long afternoon.”
Being a teacher for a number of years had given Jeremy a penchant for making lists. It was survival for an elementary teacher. Events moved quickly in a classroom and you needed a list of the day’s events, especially if they were out of the ordinary. Well spanking Kara was about as much out of the ordinary as he could imagine for a Saturday afternoon.
As he visited each site he took notes about suggestions, correct ways of spanking, the types of spankings but he drew the line at implements. He had no experience whatsoever so it was his hand or nothing.
Unfortunately very few places had any ideas on how to convince someone that they needed or deserved a spanking. There were no words to tell them it might help them have a better perspective. Jeremy, of course, by this point was becoming more and more enthused by the idea for a number of reasons. One, of course, was he hoped it would give Kara a wake up call. But the other part was the delicious fantasies it had awakened within him.
He went over scenario after scenario but never once did they end with Kara gratefully draping herself over Jeremy’s lap and saying, “Oh thank you I have needed this for so long.” More of them ended with Kara screeching, “Have you lost your mind?”
Rubbing his chin, Jeremy sighed, maybe he was losing his mind. Why in the world did all that old fantasy life decide to surface today? He looked at the clock; it was time to take off to meet Kara. He stuffed his list into his pants pocket, grabbed a jacket and started off to the restaurant.
As he walked up to Pickles, there was Kara, her blonde hair in a ponytail, looking absolutely wonderful in jeans and a blouse. Jeremy shoved his hands in his pockets and grinned, he always thought she looked wonderful, even when she was in what she called her “hang around the house” clothes.
He noticed that as she caught sight of him she tried to put a smile in place of the frown he had already noticed. Maybe she was trying harder to be more positive, and today would not be the eternal lecture on men that he had heard so many times.
“Hey there Kara”, Jeremy enveloped her in a big hug. She hugged back as always and Jeremy paused for a moment to inhale the scent of her hair. “How are you doing, any better? Did getting out of the house help?” Her answer was a huge sigh and the return of the frown.
“No but maybe the pie will help”, she replied with the trace of a smile. It even extended to her dark brown eyes.
With a smile Jeremy opened the door and ushered Kara in, “Alright then let’s get to it so we can see if that pie has magical properties.”
Kara rolled her eyes at him, “Whatever,” and entered the restaurant. Jeremy shook his head and followed her in. As soon as they were seated Jeremy smiled across the table, he couldn’t look at Kara without a grin on his face, even when she was looking at him with a scowl. “Alright what’s so funny,” her voice had a definite edge.
Shaking his head Jeremy replied, “Nothing funny at all, you just look great today.”
Kara looked at him and he could see the thunderclouds in her eyes start to soften. “Thanks Jeremy, that is very sweet. I know I look like hell. No sleep does that to a girl. Besides I decided I didn’t even need makeup today.” She looked momentarily puzzled. “You know you always make me feel better.”
Trying to hide his surprise Jeremy answered quickly, “You don’t need make up and you never have. And if I can make you feel better before chocolate mint pie I can’t imagine how great today will be after dessert.”
Shaking her head Kara smiled slightly before the next storm front hit. She rested her chin on her hand and stared out the window. “Why do I always find the biggest jerks in the world? It’s like I have a sign on my forehead, JERKS WELCOME.”
Jeremy sipped his water as the waiter approached their table, he held up a finger letting the waiter know they were not quite ready. “Want to tell me what happened with Brad?” Jeremy’s voice was gentle.
The thunderclouds were back in those deep brown eyes when she turned to face him, “He thinks I should be more flexible about our time together.” Her voice turned sarcastic, “I should be willing to allow him time with his friends, who I hate by the way, just as he allows me time with my friends. I shouldn’t expect that he is available whenever I want to see him. Well what do I need him in my life for if he isn’t around when I want him to be?” She crumpled her napkin and threw it on the table. “Men are such asses.”
Jeremy frowned slightly, “Are we really now?”
With an impatient snort Kara responded, “Oh don’t be silly Jeremy I wasn’t talking about you. Just men in general.”
“Well Kara last time I checked I was male in general and every other way you can think of. Have you given any thought to your part in this problem with Brad?” Although this was a loaded question, he really felt it was crucial if he was going to ever help Kara find her way through the stubborn wall she had built for years.
“NO I HAVEN’T, and how kind of you to go on the attack the minute your precious manhood is threatened.” Kara turned her head away and missed the astounded look on Jeremy’s face. She had never turned her wrath on him quite like this. He had certainly heard enough diatribes about the male gender, but they were never directed at him.
The waiter was back and Jeremy smiled at him, ordered a cheeseburger and looked at Kara. She was still staring out the window. The waiter patiently asked, “What can I bring you Ma’am?”
Kara gave him a look that should have had him running for the safety of the kitchen but he stood his ground patiently. Finally she barked out, “I just want a small house salad and a diet coke. Got that….and don’t you ever call me Ma’am again.”
The waiter was nonplused, he had pretty much seen it all, but Jeremy had never seen Kara take out her feelings on total strangers before today. “Kara that was totally uncalled for, I can’t believe how rude you were to him, or to me for that matter.”
A single tear trickled down Kara’s lovely face. Jeremy’s heart ached as he watched it run down her beautiful creamy skin. She sat silently as another followed the same path. Jeremy reached his hand out to touch hers, but she pulled away. “I don’t understand why men have to be so hateful. It always ends up like this; they boss me around until I just can’t put up with it anymore. Brad was so sweet when we started dating. But as time went on….Well it ended like all the others. And here I am again, alone.”
Jeremy reached across the table and brushed the tear from her face, “No you aren’t alone Kara and I wish you would let me help you.” She didn’t answer, just kept looking out the window. The waiter arrived and brought their food. They both started eating in silence. Jeremy looked at Kara thoughtfully and started to speak, “You know….”, and that was as far as he got.
“No I don’t know and I am sick of this subject, I think I am probably just meant to be on my own without some jerk always trying to run my life like you are right now.”
Jeremy frowned, “Now wait a minute, I am not trying to run your life Kara, and I am just trying to help. I have never tried to run your life.”
She gave him a sour look, “And why would I take relationship advice from you anyway. Are you in a relationship? When was the last time you were in one Jeremy?” When she got no answer she replied nastily to her own question, “It’s been years hasn’t it? So why the hell would I listen to you?” She attacked her salad.
As he sat thoughtfully chewing on his cheeseburger, Jeremy was beginning to seethe inside. He had no intention of making a scene in the restaurant; Kara had done enough of that already. He also had no intention of ignoring her hateful words. As she ate her salad and stared out the window he continued calmly eating, ignoring the storm starting to rage within.
Kara looked over at him, “Well what’s wrong, no more advice to give? Truth hurts doesn’t it Jeremy, just like it hurts me.”
“No Kara, the truth doesn’t hurt you; the way you choose to interpret people’s motives hurts you.” He continued eating. “Furthermore you have hurt me for no reason; you know I am just trying to help. How many times have we been through this? Have I ever once walked out on you or refused to help you when you were down?” He looked at her thoughtfully. “And yet you feel justified in attacking me simply because I don’t agree with your viewpoint. I wouldn’t be much of a friend if I wasn’t honest with you. But evidently that is not what you want.” He wadded his napkin and threw it on the plate. “You know Kara everyone has a breaking point and today you may have found mine.” He signaled to the waiter for the check.
Kara looked puzzled, “Now wait a minute, don’t you think you are overreacting just a bit. You know I just kind of fly off the handle.”
“Well maybe its time you thought about what you do to others when you fly off like that.” As Jeremy pulled out his credit card Kara protested.
“What about pie, I definitely need some.”
“No Kara pie is not what you need, not at all. We need to go somewhere to talk. This has to stop. You are headed for a miserably lonely life and I can’t stand watching you do that to yourself.”
Kara sat straight up in her chair, anger in every line of her face, “To myself, to myself, what the hell are you talking about; I haven’t done anything to myself.” Before Jeremy could say another word Kara had thrown the remains of the ice in her drink glass in his face. She slammed it down on the table and started to get up and leave.
Jeremy grabbed her arm and held her there, “You are going nowhere until I pay the bill and then you are coming to my place or I am going to yours to talk.”
She tried to pull her arm away but he held fast. He was more determined than ever, she had never acted this badly before even in private discussions much less in public.
The waiter brought back Jeremy’s change and rolled his eyes when he saw the contents of the glass all over the table and floor. Jeremy had half a mind to make Kara clean it up but he knew what kind of reaction that would bring. So he addressed the waiter apologetically, “Sorry about that”, and he left him a huge tip. The waiter smiled appreciatively, “No problem man, we all have our days.”
Kara turned on him furiously, “Oh is that so, and what would you know about it.”
Jeremy held fast to her hand and led her out of the restaurant. “Ok Kara your choice, where are we going to have this out.”
“Nowhere, I am going nowhere with you, see you are just as big a jerk as the rest of them.” He couldn’t believe it but she actually stomped her foot.
“Kara there are words for the way you are acting you know. A very simple straight forward word. I wonder if you realize what it is.”
“Of course I know, I am angry and I am right. Oh I know that is two words isn’t it teacher so I guess I got it wrong.”
“Yes you certainly did”, said Jeremy feeling more in control and certainly more determined. “You my dear are acting like a spoiled brat and that is what we are going to discuss.” Kara stopped dead in her tracks and stared at him.
“You can’t talk to me that way,” and she tried once again to pull away from him. She was somewhat shocked since Jeremy was always so gentle, soft spoken, and supportive. She knew she owed him an apology for throwing the ice in his face but no way was he getting that after calling her a brat.”
Jeremy stopped and kept hold of her hand, facing her. “Not only can I, but I will call you that. You have needed to hear that for a long time. And I guess it’s my place since you are not cooperating.” He began to walk and Kara had no choice but to go along. He walked at a pace she could keep up with but he didn’t say another word until they got to his apartment. As soon as they were inside, Jeremy let go of her hand and gestured to the couch, “Have a seat Kara, it’s going to be a long afternoon.”
Purple I am loving this!! Your stories are always the best!!
Purple, oh boy Jeremy is going to need a lot of patience.
Warm hugs,
Thanks for your comments Paul and PK, I have the next part nearly finished. I have enjoyed writing this one very much. I had started it about a year ago and then put it aside. I so appreciate the comments. They always make me want to write more and more.
Purple Angel
Great story/ waiting anxously for part 4
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