Purple Angel
I have come to a decision. I spent most of the night arriving at it and gave it very careful consideration. I am also reasonably sure you will not agree with my reasoning but I am sure you will respect it.
My decision is that we cannot continue in a Dominant/Submissive relationship. I am happy to remain interested in each other's writing and to help out/attend the writing conference. I will give you my reasons but thought you should know my decision first in case you just wanted to skip the whys and wherefores.
First of all, I think part of it is a basic incompatibility in our personality type. At least in your Dominant role you are very rough and harsh. I had a chance to compare how you related to me and how you related to other women you knew at the conference. They were treated respectfully, given hugs and smiles, and talked to in a totally different way. I felt disrespected at times and I know you don't understand why. I don't want to be called a bitch even if you consider it a compliment. I am not a chicken and don't want to be called one anytime I don't agree with doing something you suggest. It hurts me to be treated like this.
I have no problem being Submissive but I don't think that means I have to feel demeaned in any way. I think a Submissive has the responsibility and privelege of yielding to her Dominant while he has the responsibility and privelege of caring for and about her, respecting her as a human being, and cherishing the person who is putting a great part of her life in his hands.
Yes, you deliver a very good, efficient and thorough spanking. No doubt about it. It is a good thing I remembered to put lotion on since you do not do that, so that my skin can heal properly. I have never had a Dom not use lotion or oil as part of aftercare. If that is your way I respect it but I need to feel cared about. It seems to me that aftercare for you is a short step before moving on to sexual contact. It seems that my psyche needs more than that. And I must admit it still disturbs me that you made me cry just because you wanted to accomplish that as a goal. Your very words were mission accomplished. But yet you never wanted to comfort me for the reasons I was crying and in fact you never asked what they were.
During my process of decision making I have gone to various blogs and sites and read what Dominants and Submissives have to say on these subjects. There is a wide variance in people's feelings as I thought there might be. So none of this is meant as a criticism, merely a way to express my feelings on how we relate to each other.
The other evening you kept saying we would learn more about each other as we went along. But I was trying to tell you about me then and there and you dismissed all I had to say. Basically you blamed me for not really being a submissive, topping from the bottom etc. I know that none of that is true. Just because we do not fit well together does not mean there is something wrong with me.
My guess is T****** is probably a far better fit with your personality and responses. Although I can't know that for sure either, that certainly seems to be the case.
So here you are, I am not pussyfooting around at all. This will be best I think for both of us in the long run. After all there could never be a relationship between us and I am not sure you really understand my need for one.
In any case thank you for the time you spent and for making me feel sexually desirable. I appreciate your efforts in helping me make wise decisions about my dietary habits. And I most certainly respect your intelligence and writing ability. I am hoping you will let me continue to read your novel.
Best wishes,