Yes this is off topic for my blog and it seems like a very short time ago I was writing about what happened in the shootings at Virginia Tech. This time is came closer to home.
The shooting and killing at Northern Illinois University is very close to my heart. That is the school where I got my graduate and undergraduate degrees. I lived in Dekalb for eighteen years and my son was born at the same hospital they took the victims to for treatment.
In an even stranger twist of fate I live in the college town the gunman came from and where he was currently studying at the University of Illinois.
I wonder when this horror ends, it is almost becoming commonplace. People are no longer as shocked as they used to be, they simply seem to ask where was it this time. Six young people are dead(I include the man who shot them and himself). They all had lives full of promise ahead of them. The person who did the shooting was an honor student at both universities heading for a career in criminal justice.
No, I couldn't write about spanking and my life. I simply ask if you read my blog that you spare a thought for those who lost their lives in senseless violence.
Saturday Spankings -
4 days ago
Purple, those of us that care do that anyway.
We have this sort of street violence over here, youths stabbing, shooting, kicking to death and filming it on the mobile phones and then uploading it to the www, most of them are caught, but this rarely helps the victims.
In a society where things have greater value then living beings, this sort of outrage will continue.
And yes, violence is always senseless.
Warm hugs,
I give you a hug because I know you are hurting.
Last year my youngest son arrived at High School to police cars every where. A boy had taken a gun to school. They searched but they never found it.
I was at work a 100 miles away as my wife went to pick him up. I never new what fear was till that day.
My wife's father just retired from Va. Tech last month after over 50 years of service at the research station in Middleburg Va. The actions on there campus hit at home as well.
*hugs and grins to you*
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