She brushed her chocolate brown hair out of her face and buried her face further into the pillow. When Paul had invited her to move in with him she had never looked ahead to what would happen if she had to move out. Of course, it had never occured to her that Paul would simply pick up and leave her in his apartment. She sat up in bed. Of course, it was so simple, he was coming back. He had to come back. This was just to scare her into being good.
In some ways it matched the first spanking he had given her after she moved in. Up to that point spankings were serious or fun depending on the circumstances, but it was never more than she could take. She might end up crying but there was always Paul's comforting embrace to look forward to along with incredible lovemaking.
But the day she moved in, she remembered being giddy and excited. She had carried all her boxes up in the elevator and piled them in the room Paul had indicated. He seemed very amused by her attitude until she brushed by one of the tabletops on her way out the door and knocked over a candlestick. Janine scrambled to catch it but it hit the floor before she could reach it.
Looking up at Paul with wide blue eyes, she fumbled over an apology, "Oh honey I am so sorry, I will pay for it, I promise."
Paul's face went cold as he promised, "You certainly will pay for it love, in more ways than you know." With those words he pulled her towards a hard chair to the side of the couch. "Take off those pants and your shirt, now Janine."
She had never seen his face quite this way, a small dart of panic coursed through her. "Now wait Paul, it was an accident, you know that. It wasn't on purpose."
Paul lost no time, his dark eyes became angry and he grabbed Janine's arm as he pulled off her blouse and yanked off her jeans. As panic set in Janine began to struggle to get away. Paul pulled her close to him by one arm, "Stop that immediately, you will obey everything you are asked to do and obey it immediately." He obviously did not feel Janine had the proper submissive expression or attitude since he sat down on the chair and pulled her over his knee roughly. As her arm automatically went back to protect herself he pulled it out of the way unmoved when she screamed from the pain of it being bent so far out of position.
But she was in no way ready for the spanking he was prepared to give over the broken glass and poor submissive attitude. His hard hand began slapping on her upper thighs back and forth. She had no idea a hand could cause so much pain, but then he had never spanked that area before. "Paul stop please, this is too much." Janine screamed and struggled to no avail. He held her tightly in place as he reached into the table drawer next to the chair. All Janine heard was the scrape of wood and began to struggle anew. It did her no good.
Paul's voice was smooth and cold, "Janine you are here at my invitation. You are my submissive. This spanking will teach you what I expect you to take without any arguement or struggle. If you can't do that, then get out....is....that...clear?" Each word was punctuated with a very dramatic smack of a wooden paddle.
Janine could hardly breathe, it hurt so much, "Yes", she gasped, "I understand, I'll behave, really I will. Oh God, don't throw me out."
That spanking would never be forgotten since it left bruises and blisters on her butt. She couldn't sit for several days nor could she wear panties since there were severe bruises in the creases and down her thighs. Paul pointed out to her several times that this would happen whenever she disobeyed.
Considering the condition of her body she did not point out to him that it was an accident. From that point on, Janine's life was under Paul's direction at all times. And no matter what she tried to do it was never enough or what he wanted.
Could she be right though, was this possibly a scheme of Paul's to improve her behavior? She swung her legs over her bedside energized by the thought that Paul might be back that very day. She showered very quickly and got dressed snapping her collar in place.
As she straightened out the kitchen there was a knock on the door. Janine opened the door and there was an electrical company worker there. He looked up at her, "Mr. Paul Grant?"
"No he's not at home, can I help you?" Janine looked at him quizzically.
"Well ma'am, I have to turn off your power, the bill is overdue by two months. Unless you can pay in cash right now, I have to disconnect the power. Now the man had been perfectly nice and polite, he always tried to break the news as gently as he could, so he was not at all prepared for the next event.
Janine looked at the man with total disbelief, her face turned a horrible shade of gray and she sank, like a sack of flour, straight to the floor.
Interesing story Purple, I am anxious to see where this one is going.
Hi Purple Angel:
I know I am reading this story backwards. I have just found Part 2. It's an excellent story. I am kinda glad I've already read Part 3 cause now I know that Janine is okay. I am looking forward to Part 4
Take Care,
Andrades Girl
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