This week's question is one I have been curious about for a long time. When I am very naughty and the person spanking me is not sure my bottom can take as much as he thinks it deserves (and he does not like bruising) I have had Ben Gay inserted into my bottom. I assure you this is like getting an inside out spanking, although it does no harm. Oh and of course yes he does spank with whatever implement he chooses after inserting that awful stuff. He has also said he would like to find an ointment or salve to increase the sensitivity of my bottom for spanking.
I have never experienced figging but I have read many accounts. Sounds like a good news/bad news deal to me. So what I am asking my readers is how you feel about using substances to increase the sensitivity of the areas being spanked. In some cases this includes genital areas as well. The only thing I ask is that if you post please don't identify a substance that can be harmful. If you aren't sure please post that you don't know for sure. So have you tried it? Would you try it? Which ones have worked well? And lastly, do you find any a turn on?
Honestly? Never tried it and don't want to. If you can't accomplish the task with the usual implements and techniques, then you're not going to succeed.
We have certainly kicked around the idea of using something on the skin to enhance the sensation of a spanking... with Ben Gay being at the top of that list. Thing is, it's not a traditional part of a spanking... so for us, it's really not something that would work in a discipline spanking. With that off the table, the added pain might be a bit too much for something playful.
Something we may try one day though!
Todd & Suzy
I read about figging and I really wanted to try it. I loved it! I love the burn/stinging sensation and it stops as soon as the root is removed so it is the kind of thing you can try and end it quickly if you find you don't like it.
I love to use Ben Gay after a spanking because I love afterburn. I have been afraid to use in on a plug or anything because I was afraid it would be too incense and I wouldn't have a good way to stop it.
This site has many people discussing their experiences with figging and with a few other experimental items. It makes an interesting read.
If you want to try something a little more natural have a peppermint bath before your spanking. The recipe is simple crush about 2 handfuls of peppermint leaves, with a mortar and pestle, boil it up in about one and a half liters of water (three pints) and dump the lot, leaves and all, in your bath water (without bubble bath or salts). Peppermint is a natural muscle relaxant and like most of these it makes the skin more sensitive, mildly but noticeably. You end up smelling nice and minty too.
Figging is fun but I find it a bit of a challenge sometimes.
Hi Purple Angel
A very interesting question. I have read about figging and found the same website that PK speaks about. But I am too chicken to try that just yet. I am still getting used to the sensations/stinging of spankings.
Spankedhortic's advice seems very interesting.
Take care,
Andrades Girl
The figging thing...idk.
However, I have been spanked after having baby oil spread on my bottom, hard, with a hairbrush which is intense. I have also been hairbrush spanked on a wet bottom - intense but less so than the baby oil.
Incidently, about a blistered bottom,
pure aloe vera juice, inexpensive, and availble at Walmart, is the best. For soothing post-spank, ice is good, directly moving a piece around the skin (and tres erotique), but Udder Cream out of the fridge will sooth a lot longer, also from Wally World.
Be sure to give a review if you try the ginger. I'm a bit curious, too, but Hubby said the thought of f'ing me with produce just isn't appealing. I can't complain, though. He keeps me well satisfied with plenty of other ways.
Oh Valorie you are either going to love my response for its candor or you're going to hate it for the same reason, but...here goes.
In my opinion, when you start including penetration/insertion into the spanking scenario, you are no longer spanking...you're having sex. This is just my opinion. To me, anything inserted in exit only areas when I'm trying to enjoy my spanking would just detract...might as well just stop and have anal sex.
As for finding an ointment or salve that sensatizes the skin for a spanking, I am not a fan of that either. It's like the spanker saying, "Well, my hand (or strap or paddle) isn't good enough to get the job done" or "I'm a sadist and I want it to hurt you as much as possible." I have tried some things in this area and just hated it. I always ended up having to take cold cream and remove whatever it was that was stinging. This is not in any way erotic to me. So my vote is NO on both counts.
Sorry, my love, but you know I'm a purist!
Love ya!
Although it sounds kinky and exciting to me, I've been told that substances like ben-gay may burn mucous membranes to the point of damage, and that straight peppermint oil, applied with a q-tip, had a pleasant burning sensation.
Haven't tried figging yet, but want to! :)
Although it sounds kinky and exciting to me, I've been told that substances like ben-gay may burn mucous membranes to the point of damage, and that straight peppermint oil, applied with a q-tip, had a pleasant burning sensation.
Haven't tried figging yet, but want to! :)
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